Okay, so I saw Paper Towns yesterday, and I read the book last MLK weekend, and I wasn't a big fan, so this is coming from someone who thought the changes were okay. This may contain spoilers.
The acting was very well done in this movie (although, I'm not really an expert on that at all), and maybe only when they were little did I notice a difference.
The soundtrack also was very well done, and matched the scenes perfectly. (Anyone else watch the music video with Nat and Alex Wolff?)
The changes from the book to the movie I was okay with because I felt like the book dragged on a little more than it had to, which detracted from the overall goodness of the story. When they went and had to get back before Prom instead of before Margo left was fine, but only because of how much they chopped off from the book (which, again, I was okay with). The whole idea of the road trip was the same, and that was what I was going for. That was really only the huge change that affected a lot that I noticed (and remembered, because I forgot a lot from the book), so it wasn't that bad.
Diversity was low, but that was because the book had little diversity.
As a movie, I thought it was well put together, and overall good. Not my favorite, but good.
Friday, July 31, 2015
Thursday, July 30, 2015
10 Reasons Why I Love The Curious World of Calpurnia Tate by Jacqueline Kelly
The Curious World of Calpurnia Tate by Jacqueline Kelly
Callie Vee, Travis, Granddaddy, and the whole Tate clan are back in this charming follow-up to Newbery Honor-winner The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate.
Travis keeps bringing home strays. And Callie has her hands full keeping the wild animals-her brother included-away from her mother's critical eye. Whether it's wrangling a rogue armadillo or stray dog, a guileless younger brother or standoffish cousin, the trials and tribulations of Callie Vee will have readers laughing and crying and cheering for this most endearing heroine. (via Goodreads)
1. It's the sequel to one of my all time favorite books, and it's actually good.
2. Calpurnia stands up for herself and sees the problems in her world!
3. All those wild animals
4. Travis is a bigger part of the story
5. Working
6. More animals than plants this time around (although, I liked the plants a lot)
7. References to how different it was a little over 100 years ago
8. Historical events being tied in
9. The library...
10. All the animals in her room
Callie Vee, Travis, Granddaddy, and the whole Tate clan are back in this charming follow-up to Newbery Honor-winner The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate.
Travis keeps bringing home strays. And Callie has her hands full keeping the wild animals-her brother included-away from her mother's critical eye. Whether it's wrangling a rogue armadillo or stray dog, a guileless younger brother or standoffish cousin, the trials and tribulations of Callie Vee will have readers laughing and crying and cheering for this most endearing heroine. (via Goodreads)
1. It's the sequel to one of my all time favorite books, and it's actually good.
2. Calpurnia stands up for herself and sees the problems in her world!
3. All those wild animals
4. Travis is a bigger part of the story
5. Working
6. More animals than plants this time around (although, I liked the plants a lot)
7. References to how different it was a little over 100 years ago
8. Historical events being tied in
9. The library...
10. All the animals in her room
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Weird Things Happen During Your Sleep (1)
I had the creepiest dream last night: what if Voldermort had a child, and then that child was a friend of Harry's! What if, the child felt pain every time dark magic was being used (like Harry), except it was all over her body? (Yes, is would be a girl.) What if, Voldermort also accidentily made her a horcrux, causing Harry to have to kill her as well? WHAT IF EVERYTHING!!! That is kind of random, but it sounds so cool! Right?
Movies Scores
This is kind of random, but these are a list of my favorite movie scores.
1. The Imitation Game

I love this movie (obviously), and this score was PERFECT for it. While watching the Oscars, I thought Alexandre Desplat won for The Imitation Game and not The Grand Budapest Hotel, and when I realized I was wrong, it upset me deeply. The music reminds me of the movie so perfectly, but I also can work without having my thoughts interrupted by Hedwigs Theme (see below). I've listened to this more times than is healthy.
2. Requiem For A Dream

I feel high listening to a lot of the songs in it, which I'm assuming is the point. I haven't actually seen the movie (I really want to), but I think they'll work beautifully together.
3. Harry Potter an the Deathly Hallows part 2

This is just so amazing because I couldn't stop thinking about Harry Potter and having so much nostalgia.
Also, here is the most beautiful picture.
The only thing that could improve this would be if Benedict Cumberbatch was photobombing them.
1. The Imitation Game
I love this movie (obviously), and this score was PERFECT for it. While watching the Oscars, I thought Alexandre Desplat won for The Imitation Game and not The Grand Budapest Hotel, and when I realized I was wrong, it upset me deeply. The music reminds me of the movie so perfectly, but I also can work without having my thoughts interrupted by Hedwigs Theme (see below). I've listened to this more times than is healthy.
2. Requiem For A Dream

I feel high listening to a lot of the songs in it, which I'm assuming is the point. I haven't actually seen the movie (I really want to), but I think they'll work beautifully together.
3. Harry Potter an the Deathly Hallows part 2
This is just so amazing because I couldn't stop thinking about Harry Potter and having so much nostalgia.
Also, here is the most beautiful picture.
- Phelps twins- check.
- Emma Watson- check.
- Matthew Lewis- check.
- Butterbeer- check.
The only thing that could improve this would be if Benedict Cumberbatch was photobombing them.
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
The Walls Around Us by Nova Ren Suma
This also may not be the most accurate review, because it took me I think three weeks to get 219 pages in, and then a couple hours to finish the book.
1. This is kind of a cheap shot, but I love the physical copy of it. The cover is beautiful, and the binding is very different, and I really like it.
2. The Prison aspect was very interesting
3. Dual POV's
4. Magic Realism (although, as I said, it's kind of confusing)
5. How it all ties together is fantastic.
I Don't Know How I Feel About It:
1. There was a very violent scene. It is important to the story- it is the story- but I still was so freaked out by it. Almost too good of descriptions.
1. Nova Ren Suma's writing style is very poetic, but for me, it is kind of hard to get into. I also had this problem when I read Imaginary Girls.
2. It took me over 100 pages to really get into the story. Part of that may be because I was in a reading slump when I began it, but I also didn't feel the need to pick it up until now.
3. Because it's magic realism, it got confusing at time, especially for me.
4. The ending came very fast, so I lost part of it.
1. This is kind of a cheap shot, but I love the physical copy of it. The cover is beautiful, and the binding is very different, and I really like it.
2. The Prison aspect was very interesting
3. Dual POV's
4. Magic Realism (although, as I said, it's kind of confusing)
5. How it all ties together is fantastic.
I Don't Know How I Feel About It:
1. There was a very violent scene. It is important to the story- it is the story- but I still was so freaked out by it. Almost too good of descriptions.
1. Nova Ren Suma's writing style is very poetic, but for me, it is kind of hard to get into. I also had this problem when I read Imaginary Girls.
2. It took me over 100 pages to really get into the story. Part of that may be because I was in a reading slump when I began it, but I also didn't feel the need to pick it up until now.
3. Because it's magic realism, it got confusing at time, especially for me.
4. The ending came very fast, so I lost part of it.
My Favorite Sherlock Holmes Short Stories
While sitting at my desk last night, I realized I hadn't done much with Sherlock Holmes, so, without further ado...
1. The Speckled Band- this also happened to be Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's favorite, so bonus points!
(The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes)
2. The Copper Beeches- while reading this, I didn't see how amazing it was, but once I had finished I was like WOW
(The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes)
3. The Final Problem- it wasn't as great as I was hoping it to be, but it was still pretty awesome
(The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes)
4. The Dying Detective- this actually made me laugh, and I don't know if it was supposed to, but I just loved how slightly random it was
(His Last Bow)
5. A Scandal in Bohemia- The Woman...
(The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes)
Monday, July 27, 2015
Noggin by John Corey Whaley
I think I read this book too fast to fully grasp it (like I do with many other books), so I don't know if this is an accurate representation.
1. I loved the idea of it
2. The ending was very satisfying
3. Hatton reminded me of Tom Felton (a lot)
4. The relationships between the characters were great
5. I've always found the idea of being thrown into the spotlight interesting
6. Adjusting to the new body was a very interesting experience to read
7. Scarves and Ashes
Negatives (these aren't necessarily bad things, just things I noticed that I didn't love):
1. I think this is due to the reading pace of it, but I didn't connect on a very deep level with the characters. I knew I should be connecting while I read it, but I couldn't.
2. I could sort of guess what was happening, but that's because it's what would happen, so it's not very upsetting.
3. It was a bit repetitive, but I totally understood it. This is just something I noticed.
1. I loved the idea of it
2. The ending was very satisfying
3. Hatton reminded me of Tom Felton (a lot)
4. The relationships between the characters were great
5. I've always found the idea of being thrown into the spotlight interesting
6. Adjusting to the new body was a very interesting experience to read
7. Scarves and Ashes
Negatives (these aren't necessarily bad things, just things I noticed that I didn't love):
1. I think this is due to the reading pace of it, but I didn't connect on a very deep level with the characters. I knew I should be connecting while I read it, but I couldn't.
2. I could sort of guess what was happening, but that's because it's what would happen, so it's not very upsetting.
3. It was a bit repetitive, but I totally understood it. This is just something I noticed.
I don't have a BookTube, or I would totally make the videos. However, I am going to read all the books that are part of it. I am going to do it this week, however, because I am on vacation when it actually happens, and it's not a beach vacation where I can read constantly.
Here are the books I am going to read:
Monday: Noggin by John Corey Whaley (Blue Cover)
Tuesday: The Walls Around Us by Nova Ren Suma (Last Name Thing)
Wednesday: Animal Farm by George Orwell (Someone Elses Favorite)
Thursday: The Curious World of Calpurnia Tate by Jaquline Kelly (Most Recent Buy)
Friday: The Pigman by Paul Zindel (Hold On for Entire Read)
Saturday: The Night We Said Yes by Lauren Gibaldi (Really Want to Read)
Sunday: Let's Get Lost by Adi Alisaid (Other/ 7th book)
I could combine a couple of these challenges, and I might, but for now, it's how I'm doing it. Also, I may not do the challenges on the day I say I will, but whatever. I hope I can do this in time, and I will hopefully be updating.
Here are the books I am going to read:
Monday: Noggin by John Corey Whaley (Blue Cover)
Tuesday: The Walls Around Us by Nova Ren Suma (Last Name Thing)
Wednesday: Animal Farm by George Orwell (Someone Elses Favorite)
Thursday: The Curious World of Calpurnia Tate by Jaquline Kelly (Most Recent Buy)
Friday: The Pigman by Paul Zindel (Hold On for Entire Read)
Saturday: The Night We Said Yes by Lauren Gibaldi (Really Want to Read)
Sunday: Let's Get Lost by Adi Alisaid (Other/ 7th book)
I could combine a couple of these challenges, and I might, but for now, it's how I'm doing it. Also, I may not do the challenges on the day I say I will, but whatever. I hope I can do this in time, and I will hopefully be updating.
Sunday, July 26, 2015
How I Think Tonks and Lupin Died (AKA My Attempt At Fanfiction)
Okay, so this is the first time I've every written fanfiction (and I'm not counting the 85,000 word story in which I essentially re-wrote Divergent without realizing it). I was napping, and then had this great idea, so it's probably the most stupid thing that will ever be written on this blog (I hope, at least...). Also, I am going to take some liberties with what I think of how the curses and world works. Also, it'll be short, because I haven't written in such a long time. And, yes, I love fragments.
So, without further ado...
Tonks can't move, her body being held in place by the pain. Glorious Pain. Ripping into her heart and traveling through her veins until there is no unaffected pore. She cries out, but as far as she can tell, no one hears her though the screams coming from every direction.
Her eyes are so blurred from crying that she can't see who is doing this to her. Not that she would want to. She doesn't want the last image in her mind to be of some disgusting Death Eater who is probably laughing at her contortions. She closes them so there is not a chance of that happening.
Lupin sees what is happening from afar, and without thinking runs as fast as he thinks possible towards his wife. The Death Eater that is keeping her crumpled on the ground sees him, though, and before he can do anything but scream for Tonks, he too has fallen. Except he fell into a more permanent place.
The Death Eater doesn't wait a moment before taking off. They know when Tonks grabs her wand they'll be as dead as Lupin unless they disappear. Except, Tonks doesn't go towards her wand, doesn't even think about revenge. She just crawls over to her love, trying her best to get there before her grief overcomes her.
Her physical pain and emotional grief become too much for her, though, and the last thing she does is reach for Remus's hand and remember everything about him. That way, they will be forever together.
I hope this isn't the stupidest thing I've ever done.
So, without further ado...
Tonks can't move, her body being held in place by the pain. Glorious Pain. Ripping into her heart and traveling through her veins until there is no unaffected pore. She cries out, but as far as she can tell, no one hears her though the screams coming from every direction.
Her eyes are so blurred from crying that she can't see who is doing this to her. Not that she would want to. She doesn't want the last image in her mind to be of some disgusting Death Eater who is probably laughing at her contortions. She closes them so there is not a chance of that happening.
Lupin sees what is happening from afar, and without thinking runs as fast as he thinks possible towards his wife. The Death Eater that is keeping her crumpled on the ground sees him, though, and before he can do anything but scream for Tonks, he too has fallen. Except he fell into a more permanent place.
The Death Eater doesn't wait a moment before taking off. They know when Tonks grabs her wand they'll be as dead as Lupin unless they disappear. Except, Tonks doesn't go towards her wand, doesn't even think about revenge. She just crawls over to her love, trying her best to get there before her grief overcomes her.
Her physical pain and emotional grief become too much for her, though, and the last thing she does is reach for Remus's hand and remember everything about him. That way, they will be forever together.
I hope this isn't the stupidest thing I've ever done.
Friday, July 24, 2015
10 Reasons Why I Didn't Love Liars, Inc by Paula Stokes
Again, I haven't read this since Spring, so I might not remember all the details, so it's more general.
1. The cover was glossy, and the binding was cheap (it put me off immediately)
2. I felt slight pressure to love it, because I had gotten bookplates and such from the author
3. The end just felt unnatural
4. You could feel how much fun the fight scenes were to write, but you couldn't feel the fighting
5. The fighting was so unrealistic
6. The attempted plot twist, wasn't really a good plot twist
7. I was expecting so much more out of the book
8. There wasn't much about Liars, Inc, only a few mentions
9. The character was interesting, but the diversity was minimal, and even Pavarti wasn't the best character
10. It didn't all start with one little lie.
1. The cover was glossy, and the binding was cheap (it put me off immediately)
2. I felt slight pressure to love it, because I had gotten bookplates and such from the author
3. The end just felt unnatural
4. You could feel how much fun the fight scenes were to write, but you couldn't feel the fighting
5. The fighting was so unrealistic
6. The attempted plot twist, wasn't really a good plot twist
7. I was expecting so much more out of the book
8. There wasn't much about Liars, Inc, only a few mentions
9. The character was interesting, but the diversity was minimal, and even Pavarti wasn't the best character
10. It didn't all start with one little lie.
Thursday, July 23, 2015
10 Reasons Why I Love The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger
I finished this a couple days ago, and even though it took me a while to read, I read the second half of it in one day, and it was fabulous.
1. He's whiny
2. It only takes place within the time frame of a day or so
3. New York, NY (even though I'm not in love with the city)
4. Late 1950's
5. That one hotel...
6. Mr. Antonio
7. Museum
8. It's short, so you won't forget details
9. If you forget details, he repeats information a lot
10. Leaving school
1. He's whiny
2. It only takes place within the time frame of a day or so
3. New York, NY (even though I'm not in love with the city)
4. Late 1950's
5. That one hotel...
6. Mr. Antonio
7. Museum
8. It's short, so you won't forget details
9. If you forget details, he repeats information a lot
10. Leaving school
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
10 Reasons Why I Love None of the Above by I. W. Gregorio
None of the Above by I. W. Gregorio
1. Inter sex (I didn't even know this was a thing until I read this book)
2. Hurdler (This adds to the plot, but also, hurdler)
3. Volunteering (Just like it)
4. Relationship Troubles
5. Takes action in her life!
6. School...
7. That bakery
8. Morning Runs
9. Running Playlist
10. Powerful WOMAN
I haven't read this since Spring, so it may not be the most helpful, but it's great, and you should read it.
1. Inter sex (I didn't even know this was a thing until I read this book)
2. Hurdler (This adds to the plot, but also, hurdler)
3. Volunteering (Just like it)
4. Relationship Troubles
5. Takes action in her life!
6. School...
7. That bakery
8. Morning Runs
9. Running Playlist
10. Powerful WOMAN
I haven't read this since Spring, so it may not be the most helpful, but it's great, and you should read it.
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Most Anticipated Books (for me) August 2015
1. Never Always Sometimes by Adi Alisaid

2. The Accident Season by Moïra Fowley-Doyle

3. George by Alex Rino

I haven't actually pre-ordered any of these books, and this list is subject to change, but for now, this is how it is.
2. The Accident Season by Moïra Fowley-Doyle
3. George by Alex Rino
I haven't actually pre-ordered any of these books, and this list is subject to change, but for now, this is how it is.
Monday, July 20, 2015
Harry Potter for the Rest of My Life
I think I'm going to be re-reading Harry Potter sometime soon, because the changes they made to the last move made me completely unsatisfied. Those changes really pissed me off.
I'm also thinking of buying the hardcover UK signature editions, because of the beautiful covers. I mean, look at that:

I also want the movies, and I think my parents are more willing to buy it because of free shipping.
I'm also thinking of buying the hardcover UK signature editions, because of the beautiful covers. I mean, look at that:

I also want the movies, and I think my parents are more willing to buy it because of free shipping.
Sunday, July 19, 2015
ELCA Youth Gathering 2015
Sorry that I've been gone for awhile, I was just in Detroit with 30,000 other Lutherans...normal stuff...
IT WAS SO MUCH FUN!!! I met so many amazing people, and can't wait for Houston 2018 (although, I'm not a big fan of Texas).
Thank you so much to the volunteer organization for my Proclaim Justice day, I learned so much about what it is like to be living there, and for providing lunch and water for us while we were in need. Also, thanks to Alex for helping Grace and I in the woods, you were great to work with, and I am not bad at maps, I just though you said Iowa instead of Ohio. I wish I could remember the name of the organization, and I could google it, but I've only gotten six hours of sleep for the past week, so... Thank you to them!!!
Friday night's gathering was amazing, and literally everyone, whether you are Lutheran or not, whether you're christian or not, whether you're anything or not, you should see this. The speakers, music, and energy were all dynamite.
The poetry was the best poetry I've ever heard, and I hope everyone can experience some of her poetry.
Thank you to the city of Detroit, and all the people willing to handle all of our crazy.
I'm tired, so I'm going to sleep.
IT WAS SO MUCH FUN!!! I met so many amazing people, and can't wait for Houston 2018 (although, I'm not a big fan of Texas).
Thank you so much to the volunteer organization for my Proclaim Justice day, I learned so much about what it is like to be living there, and for providing lunch and water for us while we were in need. Also, thanks to Alex for helping Grace and I in the woods, you were great to work with, and I am not bad at maps, I just though you said Iowa instead of Ohio. I wish I could remember the name of the organization, and I could google it, but I've only gotten six hours of sleep for the past week, so... Thank you to them!!!
Friday night's gathering was amazing, and literally everyone, whether you are Lutheran or not, whether you're christian or not, whether you're anything or not, you should see this. The speakers, music, and energy were all dynamite.
The poetry was the best poetry I've ever heard, and I hope everyone can experience some of her poetry.
Thank you to the city of Detroit, and all the people willing to handle all of our crazy.
I'm tired, so I'm going to sleep.
Monday, July 13, 2015
Harry Potter, Day 11 (aka, the final day)
I just watched both the Deathly Hallows movies.
This was my twitter reaction (very toned down) (probably only good for a few days)
When Fred died, I knew it was different from the book, but I began sobbing so much. It wasn't intense sobbing, more like intense crying, but it still felt as if my life was being torn apart. When they showed Lupin and Tonk's bodies with their arms outstretched to touch each other, I was shaking. Honestly, this whole movie had me in tears.
The score for it was magnificent, and I also love Alexandre Despalt's The Imitation Game score (favorite movie, I think)
Also, these movies also made me realize how important actors are to movies, and how they can make me cry or laugh or be so pissed off at their death... (Weasly Twins (James and Oliver Phelps)). At the end of movie six, I actually cried the second time I watched it, because I saw though their eyes what they were feeling. This probably sounds stupid, and like duh, how could've this not been obvious to you before, but it wasn't obvious before, because before I was just going for the Why and How, not the Who. Maybe the Who is the most important part.
It wasn't just the deaths that shook me, but the fact that it was final. I was born less than six months before the first movie was released, and I remember going to the library to pick up a new Harry Potter movie every day, watching it, returning it, and picking up the second one, and then back to the first.
I'm okay that I didn't read the books at that time, because I wouldn't have understood it as much as I do now. Honestly, I'm glad I waited (realizing that now). When I was originally obsessed, all I saw was the magic, and not the wizard, nor the power.
Anyway, I really do have to go to sleep. This post is almost definitely subject to change.
I am going to be taking a few days off to absorb all of it.
This was my twitter reaction (very toned down) (probably only good for a few days)
When Fred died, I knew it was different from the book, but I began sobbing so much. It wasn't intense sobbing, more like intense crying, but it still felt as if my life was being torn apart. When they showed Lupin and Tonk's bodies with their arms outstretched to touch each other, I was shaking. Honestly, this whole movie had me in tears.
The score for it was magnificent, and I also love Alexandre Despalt's The Imitation Game score (favorite movie, I think)
Also, these movies also made me realize how important actors are to movies, and how they can make me cry or laugh or be so pissed off at their death... (Weasly Twins (James and Oliver Phelps)). At the end of movie six, I actually cried the second time I watched it, because I saw though their eyes what they were feeling. This probably sounds stupid, and like duh, how could've this not been obvious to you before, but it wasn't obvious before, because before I was just going for the Why and How, not the Who. Maybe the Who is the most important part.
It wasn't just the deaths that shook me, but the fact that it was final. I was born less than six months before the first movie was released, and I remember going to the library to pick up a new Harry Potter movie every day, watching it, returning it, and picking up the second one, and then back to the first.
I'm okay that I didn't read the books at that time, because I wouldn't have understood it as much as I do now. Honestly, I'm glad I waited (realizing that now). When I was originally obsessed, all I saw was the magic, and not the wizard, nor the power.
Anyway, I really do have to go to sleep. This post is almost definitely subject to change.
I am going to be taking a few days off to absorb all of it.
Harry Potter, Days 9 part two, 10, 11?
I finished Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows at 4:59 am this morning. It was thunder-storming, and dark, and I had been up all night (except for falling asleep for an hour and a half at about 2:00 am), so I wasn't in the idea position to be reading about Voldemort killing a bunch of people.
Fred- I knew he died from the beginning, but it did not make me any less distraught. Fred and George were one of my favorite characters, well, everyone who died was one of my favorite characters, but Fred especially. They were just so happy, and then...then they weren't, and I do't decided a bout how I feel about that. Well, actually I can- I would've much rather had Ron die than Fred. I was honestly not that emotionally attached to any of the main characters (maybe Hermoine), so when he actually died I was just begging for it to not to be real, even though I knew it was, and I am so so so so mad about it. FRED COME BACK!!! It made me very angry that they just went on killing people after Fred was killed, and it just pissed me off, and I am going to be so...so...so everything when I watch the movies tonight. WHY COULDN'T HAVE YOU BEEN THERE TO SEE THE END!!! I NEEDED YOU! I NEED YOU!!!!!!
Lupin and Tonks- I didn't know they died, and when they were described, sitting next to Fred, sleeping under the stars, I thought they were actually sleeping. I did not want to admit that they were dead and that their son would be an orphan. They were also some of my favorite characters, and I was just...just no. They needed to be there. THEY NEEDED TO BE THERE! WHY WEREN'T THEY THERE!!!!
Snape- This one affected me the most. It came as a total shock to me that the died, and so when it happened, I couldn't...I just couldn't do it. Fred I knew about in advance, Lupin and Tonks I kind of guessed, but I thought Snape would live forever. And then those memories...I am emotionally scarred from his death. Again, he is one of my favorite characters, and so when Nagini bit him, the shock and sadness made me feel so many things.
Colin- It makes him out to be that weird first year that was obsessed with harry, but in reality he was only a year younger, and the way they reacted to his death didn't fit with me, so I wasn't really upset about him.
Moody- Again, I didn't feel as though they treated his death properly, so I wasn't that sad about his death. It did come as a shock to me, and I did really like him, but it just wasn't what it could've been.
Favorite Characters:
Fred and George because they brought so much happiness to me while I read it, and usually I don't love those characters, but I did in Harry Potter.
Snape and Malfoy (Draco) because they were so conflicted, and that is what I love to see in characters. I think the reason I didn't love the main characters was because their intentions were clear from the beginning, and they knew what they were going to do, and where they were going with it. Malfoy hesitated in Half-Blood Prince, and then tried being normal in the end, and this was how I feel, metaphorically. I don't know if I'm doing the right things, and I may be wrong when I do them, but it is learning. Snape was all over the place, and I didn't know how to feel about him, except for the fact that I did always trust him (granted, like I've said, I knew from the start he killed Dumbledore). I love that one scene in book 6 where Harry totally disses Snape, which may have been one of my favorite moments in the book. I am going to miss Snape...
Lupin because he was always there, and he was always good. It was just so real that he died with Tonks, and I couldn't handle that. When he was introduced in book 3 (which I think is my favorite), I instantly loved him. He helped Harry and the others so much, and his relationship with Harry's parents and Sirius was something I will cherish forever. (Anyone else pissed that Pettigrew lived?) So, yes, I loved Lupin, and again, I could feel him a lot. I knew that Luna was a (probably?) the character that was supposed to exemplify "being different", but I could feel it a lot more with Lupin.
Tonks because I love her full name, and Lupin.
(I was pressured to love Luna, but I found her book self to be much more underdeveloped that her movie self. Good casting.) (Same thing for Malfoy, except I think he wasn't as bad as Luna in the books. Tom Felton just did an amazing job in the Half-Blood Prince.)
Goblet of Fire was the worst adaptation, barbecue I know in books 5 and 6 they completely leave out the Quidditch thing, but I could feel the differences much more dramatically in 4. That said, anyone else find it odd that the Order of the Phoenix was almost three times as long of a book, but a 30 minute shorter movie. I think this is the books fault, not saying that it was bad, but saying that I think there were a few unnecessary, and dragging elements to it.
The visual effects in the Order of the Phoenix were amazing, and I re watched the movie almost immediately after I finished it for the first time. I think the editing and directing was better for not-intense scenes in the earlier movies, but in the earlier movies, the intense scenes suffered. Also, you can see their acting skills improving with the movies, and when there is that two year long gap between 4 and 5 you can very clearly see the age difference with Harry.
I am yet to watched the Deathly Hallows parts 1 and 2, so that may come later, but, for now...
I also was very fond of the changing in films while the movies were made.
The movies were great. Honestly, great.
I loved the Marauders Map, and obviously because it came from Fred and George, I loved it more, but as a piece in and of itself, I loved it.
My favorite scene so far is the battle between the Order and the Death Eaters in book 5. It was just so intense, and then the movie made it even better. I cannot stress enough about how much I loved that scene, and how I want to just watch it on repeat until my eyes burn out. Everything while they're in the Department of Mysteries was very amazing, in the book and movie. The movie did a better job with the dueling, but the book did a better job with the finding of the Prophecy.
The last part with Mrs Weasly. That was just the greatest.
I will have more later...
J. K. Rowling wasn't great at writing dialogue and intense scenes. She got better at the intense scenes, but worse at the dialogue kept going. Also, when Harry dies for a moment, I really didn't like that. Also, how they dealt with a lot of Death (especially the ones that I held dear to my heart)
I was completely satisfied with it, and I wasn't expecting to be. I was expecting the urge to need to re-read the series immediately, but I find that I don't think I'll want to do that for a while. I also expected a huge book hangover, and I am sort of in one, but I don't think I would completely crumble if I picked up The Catcher in the Rye (I want to read classics right now). The shipping that I had going was kind of disappointing, and not knowing where everyone went from the book also upsetting, but overall it was very good. The names of the children were eh with me, but that was probably because I am not okay with Snape's death. Also, Malfoy was not where I wanted him to be.
I will be sharing my feelings about this for a very long time.
Fred- I knew he died from the beginning, but it did not make me any less distraught. Fred and George were one of my favorite characters, well, everyone who died was one of my favorite characters, but Fred especially. They were just so happy, and then...then they weren't, and I do't decided a bout how I feel about that. Well, actually I can- I would've much rather had Ron die than Fred. I was honestly not that emotionally attached to any of the main characters (maybe Hermoine), so when he actually died I was just begging for it to not to be real, even though I knew it was, and I am so so so so mad about it. FRED COME BACK!!! It made me very angry that they just went on killing people after Fred was killed, and it just pissed me off, and I am going to be so...so...so everything when I watch the movies tonight. WHY COULDN'T HAVE YOU BEEN THERE TO SEE THE END!!! I NEEDED YOU! I NEED YOU!!!!!!
Lupin and Tonks- I didn't know they died, and when they were described, sitting next to Fred, sleeping under the stars, I thought they were actually sleeping. I did not want to admit that they were dead and that their son would be an orphan. They were also some of my favorite characters, and I was just...just no. They needed to be there. THEY NEEDED TO BE THERE! WHY WEREN'T THEY THERE!!!!
Snape- This one affected me the most. It came as a total shock to me that the died, and so when it happened, I couldn't...I just couldn't do it. Fred I knew about in advance, Lupin and Tonks I kind of guessed, but I thought Snape would live forever. And then those memories...I am emotionally scarred from his death. Again, he is one of my favorite characters, and so when Nagini bit him, the shock and sadness made me feel so many things.
Colin- It makes him out to be that weird first year that was obsessed with harry, but in reality he was only a year younger, and the way they reacted to his death didn't fit with me, so I wasn't really upset about him.
Moody- Again, I didn't feel as though they treated his death properly, so I wasn't that sad about his death. It did come as a shock to me, and I did really like him, but it just wasn't what it could've been.
Favorite Characters:
Fred and George because they brought so much happiness to me while I read it, and usually I don't love those characters, but I did in Harry Potter.
Snape and Malfoy (Draco) because they were so conflicted, and that is what I love to see in characters. I think the reason I didn't love the main characters was because their intentions were clear from the beginning, and they knew what they were going to do, and where they were going with it. Malfoy hesitated in Half-Blood Prince, and then tried being normal in the end, and this was how I feel, metaphorically. I don't know if I'm doing the right things, and I may be wrong when I do them, but it is learning. Snape was all over the place, and I didn't know how to feel about him, except for the fact that I did always trust him (granted, like I've said, I knew from the start he killed Dumbledore). I love that one scene in book 6 where Harry totally disses Snape, which may have been one of my favorite moments in the book. I am going to miss Snape...
Lupin because he was always there, and he was always good. It was just so real that he died with Tonks, and I couldn't handle that. When he was introduced in book 3 (which I think is my favorite), I instantly loved him. He helped Harry and the others so much, and his relationship with Harry's parents and Sirius was something I will cherish forever. (Anyone else pissed that Pettigrew lived?) So, yes, I loved Lupin, and again, I could feel him a lot. I knew that Luna was a (probably?) the character that was supposed to exemplify "being different", but I could feel it a lot more with Lupin.
Tonks because I love her full name, and Lupin.
(I was pressured to love Luna, but I found her book self to be much more underdeveloped that her movie self. Good casting.) (Same thing for Malfoy, except I think he wasn't as bad as Luna in the books. Tom Felton just did an amazing job in the Half-Blood Prince.)
Goblet of Fire was the worst adaptation, barbecue I know in books 5 and 6 they completely leave out the Quidditch thing, but I could feel the differences much more dramatically in 4. That said, anyone else find it odd that the Order of the Phoenix was almost three times as long of a book, but a 30 minute shorter movie. I think this is the books fault, not saying that it was bad, but saying that I think there were a few unnecessary, and dragging elements to it.
The visual effects in the Order of the Phoenix were amazing, and I re watched the movie almost immediately after I finished it for the first time. I think the editing and directing was better for not-intense scenes in the earlier movies, but in the earlier movies, the intense scenes suffered. Also, you can see their acting skills improving with the movies, and when there is that two year long gap between 4 and 5 you can very clearly see the age difference with Harry.
I am yet to watched the Deathly Hallows parts 1 and 2, so that may come later, but, for now...
I also was very fond of the changing in films while the movies were made.
The movies were great. Honestly, great.
I loved the Marauders Map, and obviously because it came from Fred and George, I loved it more, but as a piece in and of itself, I loved it.
My favorite scene so far is the battle between the Order and the Death Eaters in book 5. It was just so intense, and then the movie made it even better. I cannot stress enough about how much I loved that scene, and how I want to just watch it on repeat until my eyes burn out. Everything while they're in the Department of Mysteries was very amazing, in the book and movie. The movie did a better job with the dueling, but the book did a better job with the finding of the Prophecy.
The last part with Mrs Weasly. That was just the greatest.
I will have more later...
J. K. Rowling wasn't great at writing dialogue and intense scenes. She got better at the intense scenes, but worse at the dialogue kept going. Also, when Harry dies for a moment, I really didn't like that. Also, how they dealt with a lot of Death (especially the ones that I held dear to my heart)
I was completely satisfied with it, and I wasn't expecting to be. I was expecting the urge to need to re-read the series immediately, but I find that I don't think I'll want to do that for a while. I also expected a huge book hangover, and I am sort of in one, but I don't think I would completely crumble if I picked up The Catcher in the Rye (I want to read classics right now). The shipping that I had going was kind of disappointing, and not knowing where everyone went from the book also upsetting, but overall it was very good. The names of the children were eh with me, but that was probably because I am not okay with Snape's death. Also, Malfoy was not where I wanted him to be.
I will be sharing my feelings about this for a very long time.
Saturday, July 11, 2015
Harry Potter, Day 9
I don't know if I can handle watching the last couple movies before I read the final book. I know I should read the last book first, but I don't want it to end, even though there are still like a million pages left.
asdfghjgzfghr fbnhgfjefgjskfgbksrduhgfkrjrsughiuhgrfgjhnrrgjkvbhsdgierhkjgthrsekug vhruirsdfghjsdefgklh ehdfjkghrekurtihdfjgklrwhgtuigiu I need to know now, which Weasly twin dies? They are my favorite. and I can't handle either of their deaths. I can't handle it!!!! I DON'T KNOW IF I CAN KEEP READING!!! EVER!!!!!!!
As shown above, I am very good at handling my emotions.
I don't know if I can handle watching the last couple movies before I read the final book. I know I should read the last book first, but I don't want it to end, even though there are still like a million pages left.
asdfghjgzfghr fbnhgfjefgjskfgbksrduhgfkrjrsughiuhgrfgjhnrrgjkvbhsdgierhkjgthrsekug vhruirsdfghjsdefgklh ehdfjkghrekurtihdfjgklrwhgtuigiu I need to know now, which Weasly twin dies? They are my favorite. and I can't handle either of their deaths. I can't handle it!!!! I DON'T KNOW IF I CAN KEEP READING!!! EVER!!!!!!!
As shown above, I am very good at handling my emotions.
Harry Potter, Days 6, 7, and 8
On Friday morning, I finished the Order of the Phoenix, and I have to say, that it was way to long. All scenes had a purpose, but for a lot of them, if one super long thing had been changed *cough* Gwaup *cough* it could've been at least 100 pages shorter. That was my main problem with it.
Currently, I'm about 60% done with the Half-Blood Prince, and I'm very disappointed in Snape.
I'm planning on watching both movies tonight, and then begin the Deathly Hallows.
Currently, I'm about 60% done with the Half-Blood Prince, and I'm very disappointed in Snape.
I'm planning on watching both movies tonight, and then begin the Deathly Hallows.
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
Amazon Sales on Books!!!
Read it RIGHT NOW:
Amazing Books:
EXTRAORDINARY MEANS Robyn Schneider $9.42
NONE OF THE ABOVE I. W. Gregorio $9.42
MORE HAPPY THAN NOT Adam Silvera $9.94
MADE YOU UP Francesca Zappia $10.58
WRITTEN IN THE STARS Ashia Saeed $11.91
THE ALEX CROW Andrew Smith $12.43
BONE GAP Laura Ruby $12.78
Other Pretty Good Books:
THE GAME OF LOVE AND DEATH Martha Brockenbrough $9.42
VANISHING GIRLS Lauren Oliver $9.94
All of these books are only in hardcover at the time, and all I would review in a second, but am too busy reading Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Prices do not include tax.
EXTRAORDINARY MEANS Robyn Schneider $9.42
NONE OF THE ABOVE I. W. Gregorio $9.42
MORE HAPPY THAN NOT Adam Silvera $9.94
MADE YOU UP Francesca Zappia $10.58
WRITTEN IN THE STARS Ashia Saeed $11.91
THE ALEX CROW Andrew Smith $12.43
BONE GAP Laura Ruby $12.78
Other Pretty Good Books:
THE GAME OF LOVE AND DEATH Martha Brockenbrough $9.42
VANISHING GIRLS Lauren Oliver $9.94
All of these books are only in hardcover at the time, and all I would review in a second, but am too busy reading Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Prices do not include tax.
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
Harry Potter, Day 5
I finished book 4 today and then set about watching the movie (am doing it right now). This is actually the only of the movies my family owns, but it is so far my least favorite, and I am noticing, the least true to the books. Goblet of Fire as a book was very good, and the length didn't distract from my reading experience of it. I have noticed though, that some conversations seem to be a little longer than they have to be, and I begin to miss things, because I space out a little bit.
Monday, July 6, 2015
Harry Potter, Days 3 and 4
I finished Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban yesterday, and so far it is my favorite. Also, I saw the movie right after I finished it, and obviously it was amazing. (The Marauders Map is my favorite thing in the world right now. Why can't it be real?)
Last night, I began to read the Goblet of Fire. I got a chapter in, enjoying it, and then I thought I should check the time. That is when I saw location. There were no page numbers. Only location. I AM NOW REALIZING WHY I HATE EBOOKS!!! GIVE ME PAGE NUMBERS BACK!!! I am seeking help with Amazon Customer Service on twitter, but I don't want to have to wait until they tweet back telling me something. I CAN'T READ WITH LOCATION! I KNOW WHAT IT IS, BUT I CAN'T READ WITH IT!!! IT'S TOO HARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, I probably won't finish Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire today (even though I really want to). I'm also super excited for book 5, because I know the least about that one. It is the longest though...too many words...
Last night, I began to read the Goblet of Fire. I got a chapter in, enjoying it, and then I thought I should check the time. That is when I saw location. There were no page numbers. Only location. I AM NOW REALIZING WHY I HATE EBOOKS!!! GIVE ME PAGE NUMBERS BACK!!! I am seeking help with Amazon Customer Service on twitter, but I don't want to have to wait until they tweet back telling me something. I CAN'T READ WITH LOCATION! I KNOW WHAT IT IS, BUT I CAN'T READ WITH IT!!! IT'S TOO HARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, I probably won't finish Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire today (even though I really want to). I'm also super excited for book 5, because I know the least about that one. It is the longest though...too many words...
Saturday, July 4, 2015
Harry Potter, Day 2
I finished Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets an hour or so ago, and then immediately started book 3, but only got a few pages in before I had to make food. Is it ironic that I'm reading a book set in England on the 4th of July? This may have been the third book that I've ever read not set in the United States.
I watched almost all the movies (my family is still in debate if we've all seen the last one) when I was very young, and I remembered a lot of it (because I watched it A LOT of times (when I was like 3...)), but the stories are still very enjoyable for me. People have also reminded me of spoilers that I had forgotten, but it only makes me want to read those parts more, because then I can understand everything at a deeper level. This is me getting all philosophical about how it's the journey that matters, and I do believe this, but what I believe more is that if you show up someplace without knowing why/how you got there, will you have any emotion towards it?
I'm getting off topic.
My point is that when I saw T. M. Riddle for the first time, I knew it was Voldermort, but it still didn't keep me from wanting to know what the characters did, and what their intentions were. I totally forgot about the Hermonie thing, and that didn't make it any more or less special than the spider scene.
This is all to justify putting off reading Harry Potter for such a long time.
Quickly: is it possible for me to read books 5, 6, and 7 in three days, or is that just wishful thinking? Anyway, I'm going to get back to the Prisoner of Azkaban
I watched almost all the movies (my family is still in debate if we've all seen the last one) when I was very young, and I remembered a lot of it (because I watched it A LOT of times (when I was like 3...)), but the stories are still very enjoyable for me. People have also reminded me of spoilers that I had forgotten, but it only makes me want to read those parts more, because then I can understand everything at a deeper level. This is me getting all philosophical about how it's the journey that matters, and I do believe this, but what I believe more is that if you show up someplace without knowing why/how you got there, will you have any emotion towards it?
I'm getting off topic.
My point is that when I saw T. M. Riddle for the first time, I knew it was Voldermort, but it still didn't keep me from wanting to know what the characters did, and what their intentions were. I totally forgot about the Hermonie thing, and that didn't make it any more or less special than the spider scene.
This is all to justify putting off reading Harry Potter for such a long time.
Quickly: is it possible for me to read books 5, 6, and 7 in three days, or is that just wishful thinking? Anyway, I'm going to get back to the Prisoner of Azkaban
Friday, July 3, 2015
Harry Potter, Day 1
I read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone for the first time today. THE FIRST TIME!!! I haven't been living under a rock, and I finally decided to just do it. So, yesterday, I downloaded the first book onto the iPad and at noon today, I started it. I FINISHED IT!!! Now, I'm off to watch the movie.
Thursday, July 2, 2015
10 Reasons Why I Loved Big Eyes
Big Eyes (Weinstien?)
1. 1950's- 60's
2. Painting (even though I don't love it that much...)
3. Amy Adams
4. Tim Burton
5. Feminism
6. Big Eyes
7. The pain of the lies...
8. Didn't make my mom cry (I think)
9. Her daughter
1. 1950's- 60's
2. Painting (even though I don't love it that much...)
3. Amy Adams
4. Tim Burton
5. Feminism
6. Big Eyes
7. The pain of the lies...
8. Didn't make my mom cry (I think)
9. Her daughter
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
John Green, and Why He is Stephanie Perkins
John Green is essentially the male writing equivalent of Stephanie Perkins. This is my personal opinion, and not the best educated one, because I've only read two of John Green's books and none of Stephanie Perkins, but I still think that this is correct.
1. Their books are loved by MANY people (more so John Green, but that's just because of the massive popularity of his most recent entirely self written book)
2. Their books are at least a little bit cheesy (more so Stephanie Perkins, but that is just based on the titles)
3. Massive Cover Re-do's (this isn't the greatest one, but think about how many American covers Paper Towns and An Abundance of Katherine's have had, and the amazing redo's of Anna and Lola)
4. Their writing is beautiful (so I hear about Stephanie Perkins...)
5. I don't think I would ever buy any of their books in hardcover (I just wouldn't, I think)
This is not an insult to either of them- their stories are great, and deserve to be read.
1. Their books are loved by MANY people (more so John Green, but that's just because of the massive popularity of his most recent entirely self written book)
2. Their books are at least a little bit cheesy (more so Stephanie Perkins, but that is just based on the titles)
3. Massive Cover Re-do's (this isn't the greatest one, but think about how many American covers Paper Towns and An Abundance of Katherine's have had, and the amazing redo's of Anna and Lola)
4. Their writing is beautiful (so I hear about Stephanie Perkins...)
5. I don't think I would ever buy any of their books in hardcover (I just wouldn't, I think)
This is not an insult to either of them- their stories are great, and deserve to be read.
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