Monday, July 13, 2015

Harry Potter, Day 11 (aka, the final day)

I just watched both the Deathly Hallows movies.

This was my twitter reaction (very toned down) (probably only good for a few days)

When Fred died, I knew it was different from the book, but I began sobbing so much. It wasn't intense sobbing, more like intense crying, but it still felt as if my life was being torn apart. When they showed Lupin and Tonk's bodies with their arms outstretched to touch each other, I was shaking. Honestly, this whole movie had me in tears.
The score for it was magnificent, and I also love Alexandre Despalt's The Imitation Game score (favorite movie, I think)
Also, these movies also made me realize how important actors are to movies, and how they can make me cry or laugh or be so pissed off at their death... (Weasly Twins (James and Oliver Phelps)). At the end of movie six, I actually cried the second time I watched it, because I saw though their eyes what they were feeling. This probably sounds stupid, and like duh, how could've this not been obvious to you before, but it wasn't obvious before, because before I was just going for the Why and How, not the Who. Maybe the Who is the most important part.

It wasn't just the deaths that shook me, but the fact that it was final. I was born less than six months before the first movie was released, and I remember going to the library to pick up a new Harry Potter movie every day, watching it, returning it, and picking up the second one, and then back to the first.
I'm okay that I didn't read the books at that time, because I wouldn't have understood it as much as I do now. Honestly, I'm glad I waited (realizing that now). When I was originally obsessed, all I saw was the magic, and not the wizard, nor the power.

Anyway, I really do have to go to sleep. This post is almost definitely subject to change.
I am going to be taking a few days off to absorb all of it.

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