Wednesday, July 1, 2015

John Green, and Why He is Stephanie Perkins

John Green is essentially the male writing equivalent of Stephanie Perkins. This is my personal opinion, and not the best educated one, because I've only read two of John Green's books and none of Stephanie Perkins, but I still think that this is correct.


1. Their books are loved by MANY people (more so John Green, but that's just because of the massive popularity of his most recent entirely self written book)
2. Their books are at least a little bit cheesy (more so Stephanie Perkins, but that is just based on the titles)
3. Massive Cover Re-do's (this isn't the greatest one, but think about how many American covers Paper Towns and An Abundance of Katherine's have had, and the amazing redo's of Anna and Lola)
4. Their writing is beautiful (so I hear about Stephanie Perkins...)
5. I don't think I would ever buy any of their books in hardcover (I just wouldn't, I think)

This is not an insult to either of them- their stories are great, and deserve to be read.

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