Sunday, July 26, 2015

How I Think Tonks and Lupin Died (AKA My Attempt At Fanfiction)

Okay, so this is the first time I've every written fanfiction (and I'm not counting the 85,000 word story in which I essentially re-wrote Divergent without realizing it). I was napping, and then had this great idea, so it's probably the most stupid thing that will ever be written on this blog (I hope, at least...). Also, I am going to take some liberties with what I think of how the curses and world works. Also, it'll be short, because I haven't written in such a long time. And, yes, I love fragments.
So, without further ado...

Tonks can't move, her body being held in place by the pain. Glorious Pain. Ripping into her heart and traveling through her veins until there is no unaffected pore. She cries out, but as far as she can tell, no one hears her though the screams coming from every direction. 

Her eyes are so blurred from crying that she can't see who is doing this to her. Not that she would want to. She doesn't want the last image in her mind to be of some disgusting Death Eater who is probably laughing at her contortions. She closes them so there is not a chance of that happening. 

Lupin sees what is happening from afar, and without thinking runs as fast as he thinks possible towards his wife. The Death Eater that is keeping her crumpled on the ground sees him, though, and before he can do anything but scream for Tonks, he too has fallen. Except he fell into a more permanent place. 

The Death Eater doesn't wait a moment before taking off. They know when Tonks grabs her wand they'll be as dead as Lupin unless they disappear. Except, Tonks doesn't go towards her wand, doesn't even think about revenge. She just crawls over to her love, trying her best to get there before her grief overcomes her. 

Her physical pain and emotional grief become too much for her, though, and the last thing she does is reach for Remus's hand and remember everything about him. That way, they will be forever together. 

I hope this isn't the stupidest thing I've ever done. 

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