I really liked books for most of Elementary School, although I didn't read that many books, but in sixth grade I barely read anything, so books are still kind of blossoming back to me. This is just a quick note, and probably doesn't matter to anyone else.
The Evolution of Calupurnia Tate by Jacqueline Kelly- this may be the book I've read the most. I read it at least once in 4th, 5th, and 6th grade, but I know I've read it more than three times. I connected so much with the main character, because the first time I read it, I was hating piano lessons (which I did choose to take, but none the less), really was getting into science, especially botany (expect both my parents encouraged me, and this wasn't when women were only allowed to do housework), and felt a lot of the same things she felt. I just really enjoyed this book, and highly recommend it.
I remember the first time I read it thinking it was a huge book. It's 338 pages. Children's minds...
The sqeuel The Curious World of Calpurnia Tate came out in July, and it's blue!

Inside Out and Back Again by Thanhha Lai- I read this for Readers Choice at my school, and it honestly affected me so much when I was that age. When I started Readers Choice, I though the Unwanteds would be my favorite thing, but I ended up hating that and falling in love with this. It's written in verse, and it's so beautiful. I really should re-read it.
This also grappled with a more difficult topic than I was used to. Earlier that year I had read The Hunger Games, and I really enjoyed it, so I was expecting this book to be okay, but not amazing, because it wasn't action packed. Except, it was, just not in the way I thought it would be.
Also, it won the National Book Award, so it's pretty amazing.
I originally read this as a library book, but got a hardcover for free at a book exchange!
I haven't yet, but really want to read her next book Listen, Slowly.

A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket (pen name)- these is some of the few middle grade books that I kept when I got rid of a bunch, and I am very happy that I did. I read most of them in the summer between 4th and 5th grade, and I remember writing (essentially) fanfiction about it, and being so devoted to all of the characters and being so pissed off that they didn't catch him again! My favorite is The Austere Academy.
Also, the movie adaptation sucked, so I am crossing my fingers that Netflix does a better job (the teaser trailer was epic!!!) Although, after I watched the movie I had a huge crush on Liam Aiken for such a long time.
39 Clues (various authors)- this is one of those things where I look back and am very disappointing in myself for liking them as much as I did. I rarely read books (I did more in 4th grade), but I reread all of the original series, and was literally non-stop talking about them.
I recently gave away all my copies, and honestly don't feel too bad about it.
Also, how many books are there going to be? I couldn't get through the first couple in the spin-off series. I just couldn't do it.

Chasing Vermeer by Blue Balliett, illustrated by Brett Helquist- I'm not totally sure, but I think I listened to an audio book of this in 2nd grade when both my brother and I were sick, and I don't really remember much from that time, but then I think I read it on my own in 4th grade, and then the last two books in 5th grade. I love the illustrations in it (flipping though it I'm seeing them, and how huge the font is). This book was so intriguing to me, because at the time I was super into myserties (I think), and this was right there for me. I also remember loving all the thoughts, and I don't remember many specifics, but I know I loved it.

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