Harry Potter is the exception to the rule of "don't split up the final movie", because it's one of the few times where it really needed to be split up to achieve the full effect. Unless the whole movie was like four hours long, I don't think they could've had the same power to them. For instance, The Order of the Phoenix was amazingly well adapted considering how long the book is, but that doesn't mean it was the best adaptation. They left out key things that I wanted to see- Quidditch, the full Department of Mysteries scene, Cho and Harry- which I understand why they did, but was still a little disappointing (though I still love the movie).
Divergent and The Hunger Games' final movies don't need to be split up into two parts like Harry Potter, in fact, I'm not sure they even need to be trilogies. I love Divergent, Delirium, and The Hunger Games, but I don't think they need to be three books, and all for the same reason: if there were only two books, the final book wouldn't have to be so bloody boring. My reactions to the books: Mockingjay- ew. Allegiant- get on with it..., Requiem- too many words. This is true for a lot of trilogies, and I realized this, and now series are just ruined for me.
That was a short rant, so now I'm going to show random Harry Potter quotes I googled tonight.

"Don't let the Muggles get you down." -The Prisoner of Azkaban

There are more, but I'll limit it tonight.
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